Volunteering at Gilda’s Club

woman smiling

Make a Difference

Our Volunteers Are The Heart of Our Community

Volunteering is much more than just a job. It’s an opportunity to meet friends, learn new skills, and put existing ones to good use. It is a chance to be part of a team that makes a genuine difference in the lives of people who are living with cancer.

By giving us the gift of your time and talents, you can demonstrate your values, honour those in your life who have been affected by cancer and know that you are helping people in your own community in a meaningful and practical way.

Benefits of Volunteering – To Name Just a Few

You Connect

Meet new people, make lasting friendships, and expand your professional network.

You Contribute

Help make a difference in your community by supporting a cause that personally impacts so many of us.

You Collect

Fulfill service hours, develop new skills, and enjoy a genuine sense of purpose.

“There are those who open their hearts to others…who never think twice about giving of themselves. They are the wonderful warm-hearted people who make all the difference in our lives”
"Each time I volunteered at Gilda's Club I was greeted with enthusiasm, and felt that my small contribution mattered. Needless to say, I quickly felt as though I had found somewhere extremely valuable to spend my time."
"Being involved with Gilda's Club reminds me that the human spirit is amazing. You can hear laughter throughout the Clubhouse at any given time."
gildas character in purple

Community Is Stronger Than Cancer

Join Us In Our Mission

Men and women of all ages are inspired to volunteer with Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka, each one with their own unique motivation to contribute their time, energy and talents here. Whether you have experienced your own cancer journey, have been a caregiver, relative or friend to someone with cancer, or simply feel drawn to the cause, Gilda’s Club welcomes your support.

gildas club biking fundraiser group

Volunteer Opportunities

Clubhouse-Based Volunteer Opportunities:

Gilda’s Greeters:
Answer phones and greet everyone who comes through our signature Red Door.

Event Volunteers:
Assist with set-up and clean-up, keep things running smoothly and provide your ideas and feedback so we’re always improving.

Clubhouse Caterers:
Share your culinary skills with us! Bake and cook for Members and guests, from coffee-time treats to more extensive menus for larger Clubhouse events.

General Clubhouse Support:
Help with various projects in and around the Clubhouse. We’ve always got a ‘to do’ list!

Clubhouse-Based Program Support Opportunities

Children & Families Program Support (additional training required):
Assist with social or special events for children, teens, adults and families.

Workshop Facilitators:
Share your passion and skills! Whether it’s cooking, yoga, pilates, tai chi, meditation, journaling, painting, seasonal crafts, quilting, knitting or something else!

Guest Lecturers:
Present a lecture within your area of expertise, such as health, nutrition, insurance or law.

Do you sing, dance, play an instrument or know how to make people laugh? Spread some joy by sharing your gift during a special occasion Clubhouse event.

Offsite Volunteer Opportunities:

Offsite events always require lots of helping hands! Volunteering at a special event or community outreach initiative is a great way to get involved when you can’t commit to longer-term or ongoing volunteer assignments. We’d love to have your help at our next community outreach or fundraising event.
Fundraising Support: Identify potential donors, help drive sales of annual fundraising initiatives such as the Raw and Reflective Calendar, or brainstorm and implement new ways of securing financial support for Gilda’s.

Bring your creative ideas and energy to Gilda’s. Whether it’s in the Clubhouse, out in the community, or at an offsite fundraiser or special event, together we will build a community that is stronger than cancer.

Volunteer with Gilda’s Club

For more information, please contact us at 705-726-5199 x230 

or email roxanne@gildasclubsm.org 

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